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Brincliffe Oaks in Sheffield by Self Architects

Brincliffe Oaks


Residential, Heritage
Jaguar Estates
6 apartments & 5 houses

The development at Oakhill Road in Sheffield includes the conversion of an existing pub into 2 no. 4-Bed semi-detached houses, plus 3 no. new-build 4-Bed detached houses and 6 no. new-build apartments. The existing 3-storey pub was originally the Nether Edge farmhouse and dates back to the late 18th Century. There had been several brick-built unsightly modern extensions to the farm building – some of which were fire-damaged.

Self’s proposal for the site was to remove the poor-quality extensions to the original farmhouse, which was retained and extensively repaired. The street frontage along Oakhill Road is defined by the new-build apartments and detached houses, which are designed to reflect the character of existing properties in the Nether Edge area. 

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