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Cresswell Road in Darnall designed by Self Architects

Cresswell Road,

Darnall, Sheffield


Self Architects have designed 10 no. 2 and 3-bed dwellings for this 0.7 acre site. These are a mix of semi-detached, terraced and mews house types, forming a practical and welcoming layout across the site, which is currently disused scrubland adjacent a busy railway line.

On Cresswell Road, the semi-detached properties continue the street’s building line and create an attractive corner against which the new access road enters the site. Due to the site’s proximity to the railway line, the rear of the mews houses have blank elevations to account for the closeness to the boundary and to mitigate any noise from the trainline. Areas adjacent to the new footpaths are landscaped to screen boundary treatments and provide habitats and planting for local species.

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