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Maltby Academy renovation, Rotherham

Maltby Academy,


Workplace & Education
Cube Construction Consultants Ltd

Self Architects were appointed to help with this £5.9m renovation scheme to repurpose the derelict Maltby Grammar School near Rotherham into a community resource and sixth form education facility.

Built in the early 1930s, the school closed in 2012 and had fallen into a state of disrepair.  Proposals include bringing the historic building back into use with the addition of a large steel frame and roof constructed within the confines and above the existing central courtyard.

Although the Grammar School was not classed as being “listed” or within a conservation area, it is of “historical interest” and noted as being a central focal point within the local community, in its elevated position above the main road through the town. The restoration of the clock tower was, therefore, paramount in the proposals.



The re-purposing of the old Grammar School building will create a mixed-use, flexible complex providing a new sixth-form centre, a facility that will support training and lifelong learning courses, bookable workspaces and meeting rooms, and the Trust’s central services.

Enclosing the courtyard will create a new heart space accessed from a new entrance piazza and served by a coffee shop for use by the building users and the public.  The heart space will be available as a general social meeting place, an exhibition space, a performance area, or a large meeting or presentation space

The outdoor space will be adapted to include and create new tree and flower planting, along with bee and butterfly corridors, with an area designated for a “market garden” primarily for SEND pupil use.


Maltby Academy renovation, Rotherham
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