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Peak Edge Hotel in Derbyshire by Architects Self

Peak Edge Hotel


Peak Edge
56 additional bedrooms & 1,450m² additional amenity space

Self have designed four projects for the Peak Edge Hotel, three of which are complete and the fourth has been submitted for planning, in its continuing relationship in developing this 4 star boutique hotel and restaurant. The hotel has been developed from Self’s 1st scheme for a 2-storey 27-bedroom hotel building to the original pub in this sensitive Peak District Park location. A function room was added to the rear and the existing restaurant and bar area were fully refurbished to create the hotel. Further extensions to the amenity and staff areas have followed, with additional terraces and remodelling of the landscape to incorporate a pond for surface water drainage attenuation, as well as the use of air source heating.

The latest project being designed adds a new 2.5-storey vernacular styled bedroom wing to the existing assembly of buildings framing the pond. The new wing culminates in a spa suite that looks out over the countryside in three directions.

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